Saturday, March 28, 2020
1000 Stoneybrook Drive,
Kensington, MD 20895
The Washington DC Stake Center
Workshop Descriptions
Supporting Adolescents in Managing Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
Janene Pack, LPC
Stress, Anxiety, and Depression are a natural part of adolescent development, but adolescents and caretakers often struggle with how to effectively manage these feelings, how to determine which treatment strategies and services to use, and when to worry and seek immediate support. This workshop will address these concerns, offer concrete examples of how to support adolescents in managing everyday stress and how to find mental health treatment.
Stress Management for Church Leaders
Andrew Mueller, LCPC
This workshop will provide some basic principles for managing stress, as well as an opportunity talk through some of the challenges that leaders face. The discussion will include principles of effective ministering and listening. The presenter is a professional counselor who specializes in stress and anxiety management, and who also currently serves as a bishop. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Building Communities for Recovery - A Collaborative Work Session
LuAnn C. Oliver, LCSW
I invite all leaders (including this who run ARP meetings or leaders who'd like to learn how to more effectively encourage members to attend) who'd like to support the growth of meaningful and impactful communities for recovery to join this session. Men in recovery who would like to engage in improving community are also welcome to attend. We will gather information on the current successes and struggles in existing meetings. We will brainstorm and share ideas with one another. LuAnn will offer guidance and answer questions from a professional perspective. She will also gather information on what more professionals can offer to better serve members struggling with addictions.
Compassionate Communication: How to Listen, Understand, and Validate
Carrie Nicholes, LCSW-C
While Church leaders are not trained clinicians, they are often asked to counsel individuals going through extreme difficulty. Compassionate communication, particularly the need to listen and offer validation, is a much-needed skill. This workshop will provide basic tools for providing support in what can sometimes be a challenging conversation.
Eating Disorder Awareness - How to Provide Support
Jackie Aston, LCSW-C
Eating Disorders impact individuals and families. Learn what eating disorders are and what drives them. Learn ways to provide those struggling with body image and their relationship with food.
Helping LGBTQ Members and Their Families
Vivian Olsen, LCSW-C
LGBTQ social realities and terminology are a rapidly changing field. Participants will learn the coming out process of youth and adults. We will discuss how to help support church members who are experiencing sexual and gender identity issues, as well as working toward “family attunement.” Questions and discussion are welcome.
Trauma and Spirituality: Standing as a Witness
Dara Kruman, LCSW-C
Trauma can cause people to doubt themselves, others, and their relationship with God. We sometimes see trauma disguised as mistrust and challenging behaviors in both children and adults, even in the church setting, and can feel frustrated and helpless. This workshop explores how to recognize the impact of trauma and then help create safety in your relationships with ward members to help encourage healing. Ways that spiritual growth may flourish in the ashes of trauma will also be explored.